Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Which is the better brand of camera?

I developed an interest in photography about two years ago and I'm a huge Photoshopper and I realised that if I wanted to have any kind of place in that industry, I would need to start taking my own pictures. The only cameras I've ever used were provided by my school and I'm looking to get a new DSLR camera. The only problem is that I'm not really sure which is the most reliable, hardy or just plain best brand. Which would you recommend: Canon, Nikon, Olympus or Sony?

I'm leaning more towards Canon myself since I've heard that brand is really good. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance for any and all help. :)

Best Answer

Personally, I wouldn't be interested in either Olympus or Sony, for a number of reasons.
So that leaves either Canon or Nikon.

Both brands are fantastic - brand loyalty alone attests to that. Every Canon owner will tell you to buy Canon, every Nikon owner will tell you to buy Nikon. That alone tells you that they are both doing it right, being able to keep their customers happy.

Both companies are very similar, but each have a few little details that are slightly better than the other.
Really, it comes down to personal preference. Narrow it down to a couple of models, then go to a store where you can hold them both.

Think about friends and family - if you can borrow someone's lenses and/or learn from their experience, it may be worth going with their brand.

You won't go wrong with either one (says the Canon girl who loves her Canons ;-)

Answer by selina_555 on 09 Jan 2010 02:22:53

There is no best brand, it's just personal preference. A person who uses Nikon would probably tell you that Nikon is the best, and a person who uses Sony would probably tell you that Sony is the best.
Canon and Nikon are known as the top 2 brands for camera manufacturing. You'd probably see that those are the two brands that pros use the most. This may be because of the wide selection of lenses and other accessories that they make.
Olympus and Sony are also great brands to use. Not as popular and Canon and Nikon, but they still make nice, reliable cameras.
So just go with the brand you feel the most comfortable with. I would suggest trying out the cameras of each brand at the store, then you will know which brand would be better for you.

Answer by T. Le on 09 Jan 2010 02:26:32

I prefer to buy an American Made product when passable. Avoid names like Sony and Mitsubishi, ETC. If you can even find an American made product anymore. President Bill Clinton made a pact with China and Japan. He gave them a bunch of our prized TECHNOLOGY (supper magnets) and they took off with it. Now they are finicanly and technologically ahead of us. Sorry, I dont believe you will be able to find and American Made Camera ;(((((

Answer by BuddMyster on 09 Jan 2010 02:27:52

to me the best kind of camera is samsung camera because u could take as much pics as you want ( depends on how much gb) and takes good pictures u could see wat u took a pic of !that's just my opinion i don't no bout the rest

Answer by eLhAm A on 09 Jan 2010 02:28:48

From what I've heard, and been told, Canon and nikon are the better companies. I'm looking to buy a DSLR too, and i'm buying a canon. But in the end its up to you.
Price wise, Nikon is cheaper. But from what I heard, Canon has slightly better quality.

Answer by teddies =] on 09 Jan 2010 03:03:39

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1 comment:

  1. Great blog Every Canon owner will tell you to buy Canon, every Nikon owner will tell you to buy Nikon. That alone tells you that they are both doing it right, being able to keep their customers happy..........

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