Friday, 15 January 2010

Is this camera website a rip off?

[URL Truncated]
Do you think that would be a site where you could get ripped off.
Like order the thing for how much it is, and then get it and it be broken ?
Let me know please.

Best Answer

It won't be broken when you get it, but you'll have to put up with some serious heavy-pressure up-selling when they call you. They will call you and push their lenses and other items. When they've pushed a lens or two into the bargain (where they start to make their money), they'll tell you about better lenses. Maybe even sell you the charger, battery, USB lead etc (that would normally be in the retail box).

I might be wrong, but certain NY stores are notorious for this kind of selling - and they make it difficult for the reputable ones such as:
[URL Truncated] and
[URL Truncated]

I accept it's a discontinued item and it may well be a genuine site without the high-pressure sales going with your order but just look at the prices of the gear in their 'Accessories dept' - I suspect they'll pressure you to buy a 16GB SD card with the camera and (as you know they're only $40-$60 at retail), you'll say, 'Yeah, throw one in.'
You've just been stung for another $699 'cos that's their price for one.

If you stuck to your guns and ordered the body only, you'd probably get it - but what IF it was dead on arrival? Do you think you'd have any luck with your warranty?

Avoid. Run away. Wash your eyes. Unsee the website.

Answer by Mick on 05 Jan 2010 04:08:59

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